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Put a contract on the table that has value for everyone

Contracts serve a dual purpose. They of course help you protect your company in its business dealings. But a good contract also creates a positive framework for both parties to do – and profit from – what they do best.

Preparatory documents

A number of preliminary documents can be required that set up the framework for the negotiations on the final agreement. NDA, MOU, LOI. How do I use these safely

Focus on preparatory documents

R&D contracts

Research by definition cannot guarantee results, which gives rise to specific issues when contracting out for research. What can you commit yourself to? What are the risks?

Focus on R&D contracts

Exploitation contracts

Your product or technology is ready to market. How can you get the most out of your innovation?

Focus on exploitation contracts

Custom & ancillary agreements

In addition to the main exploitation agreement for your IP, a number of other agreements may be required to facilitate commercial representation.

Focus on custom & ancillary agreements
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